Monday 6 December 2010

Gender Sitcoms - The Inbetweeners.

Male - stupid, crude/rude, annoying and big headed, disgusting and dirty jokes that are found funny by the rest of the 'lads' however are found rude by women. Jay lies to them about everything in order to look like the coolest and 'best' guy. Talk very openly about sex, not all crude but can be sensitive, obssessed with the stereotypcial ideal girl, childish, drug related, but stereotypical nerd is nervous and self concious of everything, very caucious and clever but also pathetic. confident and cocky, stupid and naive, uncomfortalbe around girls.

Female - stupid and dumb, the guys generalise women in to all wanting the same thing - mainly to make themselves feel better, seen as a 'piece of meat', sexy and permiscous, love bad boys - once again wanting to make them selves feel better. young girl is confident, older girl is unaware of the boy, nervous around the boy but also aware of his strangeness, stereotype guys.

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