Monday 18 October 2010

Articles in the Gender Specific Magazines

Marie Claire

Women can be informed in the life style sections with recipes in for puddings as well as salads which is used to make the audience feel better about themselves by making them think 'i'll make that one day.' Educated on health and beauty products to prevent aging, it also has world news and latest studies to educate the women further. Gives advice on things for example
sexual health which creates awareness. They also have travel information which educates people in a different way. Real life stories are the way that Marie Claire can have readers relating to the people in the articles for example 'I had a baby with my gay best friend.' it enables people to relate to someone else who may or may not be famous as well. The magazine is used for entertainment overall and like to read the magazine because they like to see how others feel, live and think and then compare their own lives about it. The social interaction in the magazine comes from the beauty, hair and fashion tips and the questionnaire results. They also have articles that can be very opinionated.

Mens Health

Men are informed through the latest updates of all the key things that they want to know,
their articles can help them to become better which shows the competitiveness in males. They can be educated through the health and fitness articles about helping them to understand the new way that they need to change. Subverts to many of the stereotype because it isn't usual. Not many real life stories or celebrity stories throughout the magazine but all the articles they have on others talking can be related to, for example Jason Statham talking about his workout. Men can become extremely competitive.The magazine has a massive entertainment section with new gadgets and reviews of music, film and books. Men need to be up to date on the newest models and need the latest. The glossy magazine can take them away and can be an escapism from the office and can drum ideas in to their heads especially about image.

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