Thursday 7 October 2010

Gender Collective Identity.

Lesson 1.

Business Men -
higher up,
well dressed and presented,
over controlling.

The business man stereotypical view is very controversial because they are seen like this in society anyway, being higher than women and usually having more control. Men are usually higher up in the business but they can become very cocky towards women in the workplace taking their authority to an extreme.

Business Woman -
bossy and strict,

The stereotype of business women is the opposite of the usual woman they are known for not being motherly or having any emotions but that can be quite different many women decide to be hard working so that men don't control over.

The Apprentice Case Study -
Splitting the girls and boys out show the stereotypical clashes in the personalities.
The girls are followed by the men and the men are followed by his women 'helper'.
No education and are no the show shows that struggle in the business place - woman.
Due to men always being controlling in the business place and having the added place of competitions the control and power flip is constant between the teams.
Arrogant men and harsh towards each other. - Macho aggression which is now in the whole team.
When they are being aggressive they lose their educated place and their proper opinions,
Rude and shouting

Lesson 2

Men Stereotype -
  • Big egos
  • Dominant
  • Protector/provider
  • Scary/Build
  • Hero
  • Bachelor.
Women Stereotype -
  • Bitchy
  • Argumentative
  • Two faced
  • Innocent
  • Vulnerable
  • Expressive
  • Maternal
  • Spinster.
Is gender a natural thing?
To some extent your gender leads to this stereotype, because women's natural build is generally weaker and smaller and therefore are not usefully in the working / building as men do. However because men aren't able to have children and therefore have they don't have a connection to the baby and be maternal then women are usually showing that feeling. But other stereotypes of gender have been formed through typical behavior of each gender.

Metro Sexual is the gap in the market when the opposite gender is acting like the other for example men hugging and acting emotional towards each other. However the magazine industry doesn't have an ability to focus on this niche market.

Female magazines - usually have stereotypical features such as celebrity interviews, hair and beauty, horoscopes and problem pages and fashion features. This had a wide range of things that usually interest a lot of women. Wanting to know new information for the fashion industry.

Female Audience Profile.
Age - 18 - 30 years old.
Gender - Females.
Ethnicity - Tend to be of every ethnicity.
Uses and Gratifications - Women would read the magazine to gain new knowledge of the ever changing industry, Interest in the fashion and 'women' world. The women would usually read the magazine for entertainment and to gain information on their interest.
Demographics - All of the demographics would be inclined to by the magazine as there is not different in their interests.
Psychographics - The female magazine would tend to aim at the mainstream audience but also aiming at explorers, strugglers and succeeders.
Hobbies and Interests - Their would be a wide variety of hobbies throughout the people that would buy the magazine but the interests would probable be similar such as fashion, real life stories and celebrities.

Male Magazines - Although they aren't as popular they can be well known within the gender for giving advice and information on the typical things that men want to read about such as cars, technology and women.

Male Audience Profile.
Age - 21 - 35 older than women because the younger generation of men don't find them as interesting as maybe the older do.
Gender - Male
Ethnicity - Once again any one from different backgrounds would buy the magazine.
Uses and Gratifications - Men would tend to buy the magazine to gain information on new things such as technology and cars, they would also use the magazine for entertainment instead of specific wants. They wouldn't expect to get a lot out of the magazine which is different from women who want something out of it.
Demographics - The demographic would probably be from A - C1 because working/business men would be able to pay for the magazine monthly as well as have a interest in their health, cars and technology because they would be able to buy things that are recommended.
Psychographics - Strugglers, succeeders and explorers would all be interested in reading the male magazines because they would want to gain knowledge of new technology and find out things from a other prospective.
Hobbies / Interests - Men who buy the male magazines would generally be interested in fitness and women so they would be sporty and masculine. They would probably have hobbies such as sport and the gym as well as going out and having fun.

Men’s Health

Marie Claire

Target Audience

Male magazine are focusing on targeting the older generation and wealthier men in society, as they are more interested in women, fitness and sport. Although the younger generation is interested as well, the things advertised would probably have a target audience of the wealthier men.

All women of every generation are interested in fashion, makeup, and celebrity and gossip the target audience for female magazines is much wider and varied. The most well known tend to advertise the most expensive products and the younger ones have cheaper products.


The name is very simple and gives a clear indication to what the magazine is about.

The name is obviously a name and is very catchy. It also looks nice to the eye because of the repetition of ‘arie’.

Front Cover

The front cover of this month’s magazine has a man with a woman, she is standing in front of him dominating the shot, she is wearing revealing clothing and the man is bulked up. It gives the idealistic life for men on the front cover.

The celebrity on the cover is used to attract women because they know who it is, the big article headlines also attract women and let them know what is going to be in the months magazine. Words such as exclusive and latest also attract women into buying the magazine.


The male magazine doesn’t actually show a lot of the world wide news but instead focuses on the things that men would want to read about for example on their newsletter about sex, health and muscles.

The news on the website is global news as the number one but then the next articles are all about celebrities and fashion. It has a lot of updated information and helps women to gain new knowledge quickly.

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