Sunday 21 November 2010

Glamour Magazine

In the new issue (December 2010) of Glamour magazine Charlotte Church poses on the front with lots of article features around her, the first thing that takes the attention of the reader is the large yellow circle with the price on it. The sticker is yellow which contrasts with the other colour scheme of the rest of the cover, the price only being £2 connotes that the magazines audience isn't a very high demo graphical one because other highly renound magazines can usually cost £5. 'Weekly price' also connotes that they are actually competing with weekly magazines which tend to be more gossip magazines.

The demographic that Glamour aims at tends to be C1 - E. The other orange circle with a percentage for discount which also attracts attention of the readers, the designer is in small print whilst the 25% off is large which connotes the way that women are attracted by discount on anything. The 'OMG' is a slang word which also connotes the lower status of the readers but it adds a sense of fun to the magazine and a catchy subheading, as well as attracting readers to the feature because they want to know whats so good. One of the feature 'i was £10,000 a day hooker' shows the trouble and darker life of some women and contradicts the typically stereotype of a women in society. 'I almost married a murderer,' is one of the real life stories in the magazine and the title connotes a dark and horrible story but it attracts women because its an interesting and different thing for people to read.

The main photo of Charlotte Church is also a very feminine and sexy pose as well as showing off her curves which connotes her femininity as well as giving the message of being proud of your shape. The colour of her clothes is very warm and dark which connote the winter feel of the whole magazine, the sequin trousers are also very fashionable which hug to her legs, they show her curvaceous figure. This image of her is very sexy with natural make up and womanly curvy hair. It connotes a very feminine image of what the stereotype is like, as well as gives the reader a real image of a 'real' woman. Which in turn gives them a confidence boost to know some one like Charlotte Church is also natural like anyone else.

The 'dos and dont's' caption for the feature connotes that women can't decide things for themselves and need to be told whats right and whats wrong and instead need to be told by women how to do certain things. The colour scheme doesn't conform to the typical stereotype of women with reds, pinks or purples but it is bright and actually connotes a more warm and Christmas feel.

Audience Profile for Glamour Magazine -
The audience would consists of a high percentage of females as well as the odd secondary audience such as homosexual men or metro sexual men, the magazine also aims towards the 18-25yr old band because of its young clothing range and eccentric make up features such as 'Glitter, Gloss and Go for it'. The majority of ethnicity's that would read the magazine would highly be White British because alot of the other ethnicity's aren't shown in the features of the magazine. People that read the magazine would be of the psycho graphics of aspires, strugglers, and people who seek enlightenment, this is because its a way of finding out information as well as the escapism that comes with it. They would also be interested in a materialistic lifestyle, as well as fashion, men and beauty.

'love, sex and what i weighed.' This article consists of a number of women's experiences within what the article is about, which is what a person weighed whilst they were having sex and falling in love. Because the stories are all personal to people which make it more relatable for the audience. The three stories were all different to the different shapes of women's figures. This is helping to widen the audience of the article to appeal to all different women. Because its not conforming to the male culture the column does not follow the male gaze theory because its to do with something that men wouldn't find as interesting because its about weight within sex. Although there is a sub article on the male's views of this for example 'I was a male model - and I hated my body' which could appeal to the more metrosexual male instead of the masculine male. However the Althussers theory of misrecognising yourself can be seen in the article because women can see themselves as being at a different weight and convincing themselves that they are having the same issues and problems as they are such as the subheadings - 'I finally figured out that skinny can be sexy, too.'

The female audience is portrayed as being controlling and planned due to the typical lifestyle that people want women to have. 'Burn the rule book ladies.' is one of the features in the magazine that also connotes women rebelling about the common stereotypical view of women's life which is a common theme of women's feminist magazine. Men are also portrayed in a slightly harsh light with the 'Beam us up hottie' which connotes that men are to be admired as objects instead of taken seriously. This however is a way for women to make themselves feel better about themselves.

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