Thursday 25 November 2010

Mens Health

The symbols in the cover magazine are similar to the Glamour magazine with the circular information in a bright red circle which connotes the eye catching shape of the circle. The colour scheme is bright and boyish with the blue colours. Even though you can't see it in the photo the price is 5 pounds which is extremely more expensive than the woman's magazine, this could be because Men's Health focuses on the higher demographic such as C1 - A which consists of wealthy and successful business men down to middle working class men that are also interested in the Men's Health magazine. This is portrayed in the bar at the bottom of the page 'Get 3,174 richer the Eco-selfish way'. Which implies that the stereotype of successful men is being aimed at by the magazine.

The photo on the front cover is a very sexist pose with the girl leaning against the guy which connotes her need for protection and lust. It is a promiscuous pose with the guy having a beastly body as well as the women being half naked. Her pose is very curvaceous and sexual with the way that she is moving her hands around themselves. The way that the man is facing the front connotes the way that he is holding the power and the women is needing him to be there for her safety. The mans body position is also showing his physique which is a lot of what the magazine focuses on, as well as the woman's bust and thigh being clearly on show. Over all the photo is very sexual and lustful which attracts the man either with wanting the woman for pleasure or wanting to be the man because of how he is portrayed.
The 'Bigger Biceps and Gym Free Abs' both connote one of the main themes of the magazine and their promise of what they can give is also attracting. In the 21st century men have become aware of their body's just as much as women and are now stereotypically competitive towards each other on who looks better but they are fighting for what a woman would want. (Which is also the same for women) The magazine is focusing on this target audience and giving them exactly what they want. Other themes of the magazine that are being shown on the front cover are sex, money and lifestyle, which are the main themes that stereotypically men in the demographic A -C1 are bothered about.
Audience Profile -
Because of the demographic the age range of the readers would range from 23 -40, with some younger readers to around 18, as well as the secondary audiences for example gay men or women. They would be very interested in health, fitness, sex and money as well as new technology and sport. Men would read the magazine to gather information that is new and up to date, as well as building their confidence and motivation.

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