Friday 24 September 2010



Usually known for its notorious football club and stereotpyically 'stupid' accent and people. It is one of the biggest growing cities in the UK and has a massive population of 435,500. Although its history involves being a major port in the second world war and its high numbers in unemployment, it is also known for more popular things such as The Beatles being born there or even Wayne Rooneys birth place.

However there are many ways in which Liverpudlians have been marginalised within the media and culture of todays society. For instance ....

Their football team fans are known for being thugs and 'loud', its been stereotyped that they are all aggressive. However they are very dedicated which was shown in this article in The Independant which talks about them protesting against the owners of the club.

This video clip also shows that the football fans haven't got a problem with them being marginalised by others because they are a very proud city aswell.

Another way in which Liverpudlians can be stereotyped is the way in which they talk, their accent is very slang-orientated and can be said to be 'dumb' and it doesn't consist of 'proper' english.
(sorry the only one I could find that showed it properly was a footballer.)

They are so set in their own group that there is even a International Scouse Days,

The urban dictionary definition of the scouser -

Inhabitiant of liverpool, often downplayed by rival cities due to false stereotypes from godawefull 80's TV shows such as "Bread", "Boys from the black stuff" and "Brookside" depicting them to be thieves and killers, and enforced by the peasant underclass of youths known as "scallys" or "chavs" who are generally annoying cunts. while these can be found anywhere in the United Kingdom, some people live under the delsuion that they dont exist around them, and they are only found in liverpool.

This shows that they have been stereotyped through the media as well as their accent and behaviour.
The media clip has many stereotypical points with the accent, the behaviour as well as the appearance of the characters. It doesn't give a good impression to the people who are watching it.
This article is telling us that liverpudlians are the unhappiest of cities in the UK and it gives us an insight in to how their stereotype has effected them.

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