Friday 24 September 2010



Usually known for its notorious football club and stereotpyically 'stupid' accent and people. It is one of the biggest growing cities in the UK and has a massive population of 435,500. Although its history involves being a major port in the second world war and its high numbers in unemployment, it is also known for more popular things such as The Beatles being born there or even Wayne Rooneys birth place.

However there are many ways in which Liverpudlians have been marginalised within the media and culture of todays society. For instance ....

Their football team fans are known for being thugs and 'loud', its been stereotyped that they are all aggressive. However they are very dedicated which was shown in this article in The Independant which talks about them protesting against the owners of the club.

This video clip also shows that the football fans haven't got a problem with them being marginalised by others because they are a very proud city aswell.

Another way in which Liverpudlians can be stereotyped is the way in which they talk, their accent is very slang-orientated and can be said to be 'dumb' and it doesn't consist of 'proper' english.
(sorry the only one I could find that showed it properly was a footballer.)

They are so set in their own group that there is even a International Scouse Days,

The urban dictionary definition of the scouser -

Inhabitiant of liverpool, often downplayed by rival cities due to false stereotypes from godawefull 80's TV shows such as "Bread", "Boys from the black stuff" and "Brookside" depicting them to be thieves and killers, and enforced by the peasant underclass of youths known as "scallys" or "chavs" who are generally annoying cunts. while these can be found anywhere in the United Kingdom, some people live under the delsuion that they dont exist around them, and they are only found in liverpool.

This shows that they have been stereotyped through the media as well as their accent and behaviour.
The media clip has many stereotypical points with the accent, the behaviour as well as the appearance of the characters. It doesn't give a good impression to the people who are watching it.
This article is telling us that liverpudlians are the unhappiest of cities in the UK and it gives us an insight in to how their stereotype has effected them.

Monday 20 September 2010

The Problems With Collective Identity.

Learning Objective - to consider groups who have been marginalized in society.

Treated unfairly and stereotyped throughout society. These groups have been stuck out in different ways due to the way that people view them as a collective identity.
  • Old People
  • Teenagers
  • Minority ethnic groups
  • Disabled People
  • Sexuality (Gay, Lesbian)
  • Regional groups.

For Example -

Old People -
How - Many people don't take in to account the views and opinions of older people. They are given discount on different things in society such as bus passes and cheaper prices in cinema. There are also large homes that have been built for old people to live in as a small village which is pushing them away from society.
When- At a certain age people can be classes as OAP's which is when they are usually then classified as a old person which also shows that it is nothing to do with appearance or lifestyle but its about their age.
By who - Anyone that is younger than the OAP age is generally known for stereotyping older people. This is because they aren't linked with the group.
Visible in society - There are many stereotypes to do with older people usually to do with their appearance for example grey hair and posher looking clothes.

Disabled People -
How - They are marginalized through society to access to transport and help, many people may feel sympathy for them and some might even laugh and mock which is very unfair. Stereotypically people would think that the disabled people is actually 'thick' and 'stupid'.
When -Throughout their life's they can be marginalized within society, for example at a young age children can be sent to different schools due to their disability. Many people in society can not take any notice of others who are in wheelchairs or in need of help and they aren't able to then do the things that others can.
By Who - Parents and carers may chose the path that a disabled person might take however a lot of society would marginalize them as well.
Visible in society - In society disabled people can be classed in different ways depending on what their disability was. They are usually stereotyped as using wheelchairs and crutches.

Sexuality -
How - In society there are only a minority of people who are gay or lesbian that are open about it, this is because many feel they wont be accepted if people know. Depending on the way they behave and appearance depends on the way in which they are grouped within society.
When - throughout their lives, from school to work.
By Who - Straight people may have some negative feelings towards gay people because they have been taught throughout their lives not to accept people but in the 21st century people don't purposely mean to group them as they are all equal.
Visible in society - Many straight people might say that 'they just know' when someone is gay, however that isn't the case, unless the person is to the extreme about their sexuality (clothing, behaviour etc) there isn't any ways in which we can establish who is gay and who isn't in society.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Individual and Collective Identity.

Individual identity is information that involves only you but there are ways to use this information as collective identity. There isn't any way in which you can collectively group peoples names however surnames can be classed as collective data - family. Even though your date of birth can't be used as collective identity because there isn't any way to link it up however the year in which you are born can be used as collective identity as it is grouping a large amount of people in a simpler way. Photos can't be used as collective identity due to the fact that apart from identical twins no one looks the same as you and therefore you can't be grouped by looks.

Another thing that the questionnaires are asking for are your nationality and religion which can be used as collective identity. This is because people from the same place as you are able to converse with you and your able to find different things in common with them. As well as language and political views because this is what you've been taught throughout your life. Your occupation can be very individual however you can place people in to groups depending on their qualifications and interests, this is collective identity. Another thing that collective identity can look at is social class, this is because people have been brought up to believe in classes in society and interests can depend on your social class.

Medical Issues are very personal and therefore although people might say that you can collectively place people in groups depending on our medical history or conditions, it is more seen as a individual identity because it is a very personal view. Stereotypes play a big part in collective identity such as age, different age groups and therefore collective identity have different views points for example the teenage identity are thugs and old people are innocent and vulnerable. However the middle age sector don't get as much attention.

It also depends on the stereotypes and views of the country that the ID cards are being made. Because there are so many different views that some might thing that other topics can't be classed as collective identity. Another problem with the ID cards is that information can be changeable, such as occupation.

Collective Identity.
Task - given a list of collective identities and are told to rank them in any way we want and then state a stereotype of the identity.
List -
newcastle, birmingham, manchester, london, liverpool, scotland and wales.

Rank - North to South of UK.
Scotland - alcoholics and close families, bagpipes and kilts, beards and long hair.
Newcastle - loud and mouthy,
Manchester - loud and aggressive.
Liverpool - not as wealthy and not well educated, slur their words, curly hair, thieves, aggressive and argumentative.
Birmingham - also not educated.
Wales - farmers, judgmental, thick, uneducated,
London - well educated and wealthier. snobbish and rude,

Monday 13 September 2010

ID Cards.

My Opinions.
I think that ID cards are extremely important in society because they are a alternative to passports or driving licenses. It is also important with the control of alcohol and cigarette buying because many that try and buy them are usually underage and therefore don't have a form of ID. Even though many might assume that ID cards are taking away peoples independence they can be essential for example - they are in a accident people are able to identify the person.

The Negatives.
One problem is that people will have to buy this form of ID at £30 even though they can be the cheapest of any other identity. It would also have a effect on people due to the amount of information used that can be seen as private. The money that would go into making the cards if the government would propose to make them free would be increasing tax's and therefore causing a bigger problem for citizens. The need for ID cards is also slightly small because there are a lot of other ways in which people can prove their identity and the most popular form of use for them would be to prove age which can be found on passports, student cards and driving licenses.
Identity fraud is also a large problem because there are a lot of different ways in which people can use them and if lost there isn't a way in which we can track them however if trackers where put in then people would be able to know where someone is all the time which is another form of breaking privacy.

The Positives.
They are quick and convenient ways of identity for people who have no other form of identity. As well as being a form of emergency help and it will help towards immigration because it will state the persons nationality and their place of birth. They are cheaper than any other type of identity cards as well!

In conclusion the ID cards can be another way in which we prove our identity in society however there are some negatives to them due to the amount it would cost for everyone to have one which also means tax's would go up and the money could be spent somewhere else.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

My Research.

Cinemas are used by all nearly everyone in the community, from old to young depending on what films are being shown and what interest’s larger audiences. Many people have begun to go to the cinema due to the recession. It has become harder to find entertainment at a reasonable price, many people who used to go out to the theatre now prefer to go to the cinema. Along with the offers that the cinema brings such as Orange Wednesdays and unlimited cards it is cheaper for people to go to the cinema. The film industry targets all audiences from animated films for young children to gritty realistic films for older generations.

In Milton Keynes there are two cinemas both in the centre of the city which means they are easy accessible and give the public choice to where they go and what they see and when. Many adults would chose to use the cineworld cinema because it is situated in the Xscape which has bars and restaurants all around it, it is also a larger cinema and slightly more expensive. The Odeon cinema is right next to an arcade and the shopping centre which ideal for younger people to use because it enables parents to leave their children at the cinema and they cater to the young audience with game machines and children meals.

Cineworld is a large UK and Ireland corporation that is owned and privately funded by the Blackstone group with 76 cinemas operating in the UK they are the second largest cinema in the UK. The first Cineworld opened in Stevenage in 1996. It has now as a company merged with the French cinema UGC and it began to create new branches of the company for example its Unlimited card or Unlimited magazine and in 2006 the two companies even merged their websites. However some of the sites Cineworld own are now being taken over by Empire cinemas, whilst others are being refurbished.

Odeon was created in 1928 by Oscar Deutsch (hence the name – Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation). Odeon was then opened in France and Italy however the first ‘Odeon’ branded cinema was opened in Birmingham 1930. In 2004 it was purchased by Terra Firma who merged with UCI to create the largest known cinema company in the world. The cinemas now are being refurbished and changed from UCI to Odeon. One of the things that the Odeon was known for was its interior design uniqueness within the cinemas.

The film distributors are usually independent companies who make sure that the movie is passed from the production company to the cinemas (exhibitors) smoothly and quickly for example Paramount Pictures. Many are well known and are advertised before every film that they distribute.
The more famous distributers such as Disney are known for their child movies and animated movies that are now turning into 3D films. Disney is able to fund its films and promote them due to their other branches of the company (the theme parks).

Their latest film being Toy Story 3 in 3D which is a add on to the Toy Story series. It was one of the most successful of course with the younger generation and won the Teen Choice Award for Best Animated Film!!

Although there are films being made that are produced and distributed by smaller independant companies however they are usually less well known and in one country.
Film Four was created by Channel 4 and provides movies free on digital television. It is well known for also distributing independant films such as This is England, which have become big successes without having the large funding behind it. However the companie has linked up with many tv providers and every time they have relaunded the companie - using these catching adverts to do so. Even though film four is a British companie they are now well known. They do focus on the best of british film and cinema and therefore produce films that are produced in Britian.

Because Milton Keynes is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK there is a lot for people to do, such as bowling, ice-skating, quasar, theatre and snowboarding. However the first three of the list aren’t as close to the city centre and the last two are more expensive for people to do generally. This shows that people are more likely to go to the cinema due to its location and price. People have also said that one of the main reasons for going to the cinema is it is somewhere that they can get peace and quite, they decide to watch many movies such as Romantic Comedy’s and Family films for an escape from their own lives or to entertain themselves. The cinema enables them to lose themselves within a good story or emotion and forget any worries they previously had. Others go to the cinema to watch movies for information and if they have a certain interest in the specific topic. Films can be informational as well as entertaining which increases the audience of the cinema.

British directors and writers have become more popular over the past years and there have been some ground breaking changes to the way we interpret film. One of the most well known is Slumdog Millionaire. The 2008 movie that won 8 academy awards moved the way in which people felt about our culture. The writers have shown the truth about the world that we live in and therefore it began to get people thinking. The movie was a big culture shock showing the differences between rich and poor. However a movie such as Harry Potter and the half blood prince has been a success for all its running years and although it doesn’t influence our culture in any way it’s a very commercial movie because it is a combination of fantasy and fiction that doesn’t effect the way people live or feel towards a subject. The movie was so successful because of its popularity within the biggest audience sector – the younger generation. Britain has been portrayed a lot throughout movies to be a stereotypical rich country that has a mixed culture and a rough historic background.

To conclude Cinemas provide a large entertainment factor for families and individuals, they are places that are priced reasonable and are located well. They are growing in popularity due to the fact that film is becoming an influential part of our lives and the industry is getting larger. The public are attracted to the cinema because it provides entertainment as well as escapism and can also be used as a family event. It is a great way to enjoy film and with the new technology such as 3D is enhancing the way that we look at film as well as technology as a whole.

East is East and This is England both represent Britishness a lot through their locations and characters. East is East is about the cross between two cultures that are combined within one family, it focuses on the struggle of life within the 1970’s. It also focuses on the way in which Britain had harsh views on culture and sexuality. It shows that there was a big problem within the community of British people and the way that they viewed many things for example the old British man is racist towards the Pakistani family. There is not much change in This is England as it shows the racist side to the history of England. It also shows the way that England grew a stereotype of being arrogant and violent towards others and different cultures. A large part of the problem was people
felt very patriotic towards Britain and therefore felt strongly towards immigration which a huge problem is shown in both the movies.
The movies show a diverse and sometimes extreme way of showing Britishness and the way it is portrayed within relatable characters and settings. Movies are becoming increasingly more about culture and focusing on sending a message to the audience and creating a reaction.


Lydia -
  • There aren't large cinemas in remote places for example Newtonmore in Scotland.
  • In some places there are more outdoor activities than there is indoor and therefore cinema isn't seen as a activity.
  • Many films are shot in the locations that don't appreciate British film.
  • VUE - small company cinema focuses on the targeting to families and local people instead of a large audience. They don't show many British films because there are only a select view that they show.
  • There is also MacDonald Resort Aviemore which is a select one screen cinema, that can be used for a conference room. however they have a limited audience due to showing only one screen - again it's family orientated but don't show British films.
  • The cinema is the alternative when there are more things to do and if the are in one places i.e Scotland for a holiday or experience then they are less likely to actually use the cinema because of the outdoor facilities.
Summary - In different locations there are limited cinemas and therefore they are usually smaller. There are different things that people can do in more remote locations and therefore they aren't as popular as cinemas are in the city. They also aren't able to show as many small independent movies because they are trying to make a profit and therefore have to take the largest popular movies to show because they are more likely to be watched. Therefore they don't show any small independent movies.

Meera -
  • British films are distributed to American companies. - usually due to the directors.
  • Some films that don't have a lot of funding aren't able to then be as successful because they aren't distributed a lot.
  • Also the focus point of movies needs to be specific - i.e movies for students shouldn't be advertised for adults. - lose of money!
  • Success of movies can also depend on who writes them or who stars in them.
  • America can fund the most in to films and usually don't have independent companies like Britain does.
Summary - This has shown that the distribution of films in Britain and America are very different, America have large companies that are able to fund for their movies well with distributing it well. However Britain have more independent companies that are unable to focus on their distributing because they don't have the funding for it.

Paul -
  • Commercial movies are typically well known and therefore usually more successful.
  • Cultural movies are usually independent and therefore not as well funded and successful.
Harri -
  • People consume films in other ways than cinema, online streaming, sky movies, blockbuster, piracy.
  • Cheaper, easy and more independent.
  • Above 21 thought that the easy cinema was better due to its allowance of bringing your own food and drink. also gave a really cheap way to consume films.
  • Concluding that many people prefer to consume movies in their own homes with the cinema industry going in to decline unless the new technology of 3D and 4D will revive it.
Summary - The new ways in which people are able to consume film in the comfort of their own home is changing the way in which we see cinemas and the advantages of them. We will begin to decide against watching movies in cinemas.

Chris and Oliver
  • Old films are being digitally remastered.
  • Old films also show on the cinemas still.
  • Odeon is a backup - however cinema is usually more popular.
  • Old cinemas are usually independent however they are losing there uniqueness.
  • Downloads are available and therefore not watching them at the cinemas. music and tv is massive so film downloading will become big.
  • Older demographic won't bother with downloading and therefore will watch them at the cinema.
  • There are big 5 top producers (Warner Bro's., RKO, 20th Century Fox, MGM Studios, Paramount.
  • But there are also little ones for example - Columbia Pictures.
Summary - Downloads will be more popular but within the younger generations instead of the older demographic. The top production companies are the most likely to produce the best films and more successful ones.