Thursday 16 September 2010

Individual and Collective Identity.

Individual identity is information that involves only you but there are ways to use this information as collective identity. There isn't any way in which you can collectively group peoples names however surnames can be classed as collective data - family. Even though your date of birth can't be used as collective identity because there isn't any way to link it up however the year in which you are born can be used as collective identity as it is grouping a large amount of people in a simpler way. Photos can't be used as collective identity due to the fact that apart from identical twins no one looks the same as you and therefore you can't be grouped by looks.

Another thing that the questionnaires are asking for are your nationality and religion which can be used as collective identity. This is because people from the same place as you are able to converse with you and your able to find different things in common with them. As well as language and political views because this is what you've been taught throughout your life. Your occupation can be very individual however you can place people in to groups depending on their qualifications and interests, this is collective identity. Another thing that collective identity can look at is social class, this is because people have been brought up to believe in classes in society and interests can depend on your social class.

Medical Issues are very personal and therefore although people might say that you can collectively place people in groups depending on our medical history or conditions, it is more seen as a individual identity because it is a very personal view. Stereotypes play a big part in collective identity such as age, different age groups and therefore collective identity have different views points for example the teenage identity are thugs and old people are innocent and vulnerable. However the middle age sector don't get as much attention.

It also depends on the stereotypes and views of the country that the ID cards are being made. Because there are so many different views that some might thing that other topics can't be classed as collective identity. Another problem with the ID cards is that information can be changeable, such as occupation.

Collective Identity.
Task - given a list of collective identities and are told to rank them in any way we want and then state a stereotype of the identity.
List -
newcastle, birmingham, manchester, london, liverpool, scotland and wales.

Rank - North to South of UK.
Scotland - alcoholics and close families, bagpipes and kilts, beards and long hair.
Newcastle - loud and mouthy,
Manchester - loud and aggressive.
Liverpool - not as wealthy and not well educated, slur their words, curly hair, thieves, aggressive and argumentative.
Birmingham - also not educated.
Wales - farmers, judgmental, thick, uneducated,
London - well educated and wealthier. snobbish and rude,

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