Wednesday 8 September 2010


Lydia -
  • There aren't large cinemas in remote places for example Newtonmore in Scotland.
  • In some places there are more outdoor activities than there is indoor and therefore cinema isn't seen as a activity.
  • Many films are shot in the locations that don't appreciate British film.
  • VUE - small company cinema focuses on the targeting to families and local people instead of a large audience. They don't show many British films because there are only a select view that they show.
  • There is also MacDonald Resort Aviemore which is a select one screen cinema, that can be used for a conference room. however they have a limited audience due to showing only one screen - again it's family orientated but don't show British films.
  • The cinema is the alternative when there are more things to do and if the are in one places i.e Scotland for a holiday or experience then they are less likely to actually use the cinema because of the outdoor facilities.
Summary - In different locations there are limited cinemas and therefore they are usually smaller. There are different things that people can do in more remote locations and therefore they aren't as popular as cinemas are in the city. They also aren't able to show as many small independent movies because they are trying to make a profit and therefore have to take the largest popular movies to show because they are more likely to be watched. Therefore they don't show any small independent movies.

Meera -
  • British films are distributed to American companies. - usually due to the directors.
  • Some films that don't have a lot of funding aren't able to then be as successful because they aren't distributed a lot.
  • Also the focus point of movies needs to be specific - i.e movies for students shouldn't be advertised for adults. - lose of money!
  • Success of movies can also depend on who writes them or who stars in them.
  • America can fund the most in to films and usually don't have independent companies like Britain does.
Summary - This has shown that the distribution of films in Britain and America are very different, America have large companies that are able to fund for their movies well with distributing it well. However Britain have more independent companies that are unable to focus on their distributing because they don't have the funding for it.

Paul -
  • Commercial movies are typically well known and therefore usually more successful.
  • Cultural movies are usually independent and therefore not as well funded and successful.
Harri -
  • People consume films in other ways than cinema, online streaming, sky movies, blockbuster, piracy.
  • Cheaper, easy and more independent.
  • Above 21 thought that the easy cinema was better due to its allowance of bringing your own food and drink. also gave a really cheap way to consume films.
  • Concluding that many people prefer to consume movies in their own homes with the cinema industry going in to decline unless the new technology of 3D and 4D will revive it.
Summary - The new ways in which people are able to consume film in the comfort of their own home is changing the way in which we see cinemas and the advantages of them. We will begin to decide against watching movies in cinemas.

Chris and Oliver
  • Old films are being digitally remastered.
  • Old films also show on the cinemas still.
  • Odeon is a backup - however cinema is usually more popular.
  • Old cinemas are usually independent however they are losing there uniqueness.
  • Downloads are available and therefore not watching them at the cinemas. music and tv is massive so film downloading will become big.
  • Older demographic won't bother with downloading and therefore will watch them at the cinema.
  • There are big 5 top producers (Warner Bro's., RKO, 20th Century Fox, MGM Studios, Paramount.
  • But there are also little ones for example - Columbia Pictures.
Summary - Downloads will be more popular but within the younger generations instead of the older demographic. The top production companies are the most likely to produce the best films and more successful ones.

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