Monday 13 September 2010

ID Cards.

My Opinions.
I think that ID cards are extremely important in society because they are a alternative to passports or driving licenses. It is also important with the control of alcohol and cigarette buying because many that try and buy them are usually underage and therefore don't have a form of ID. Even though many might assume that ID cards are taking away peoples independence they can be essential for example - they are in a accident people are able to identify the person.

The Negatives.
One problem is that people will have to buy this form of ID at £30 even though they can be the cheapest of any other identity. It would also have a effect on people due to the amount of information used that can be seen as private. The money that would go into making the cards if the government would propose to make them free would be increasing tax's and therefore causing a bigger problem for citizens. The need for ID cards is also slightly small because there are a lot of other ways in which people can prove their identity and the most popular form of use for them would be to prove age which can be found on passports, student cards and driving licenses.
Identity fraud is also a large problem because there are a lot of different ways in which people can use them and if lost there isn't a way in which we can track them however if trackers where put in then people would be able to know where someone is all the time which is another form of breaking privacy.

The Positives.
They are quick and convenient ways of identity for people who have no other form of identity. As well as being a form of emergency help and it will help towards immigration because it will state the persons nationality and their place of birth. They are cheaper than any other type of identity cards as well!

In conclusion the ID cards can be another way in which we prove our identity in society however there are some negatives to them due to the amount it would cost for everyone to have one which also means tax's would go up and the money could be spent somewhere else.

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