Monday 20 September 2010

The Problems With Collective Identity.

Learning Objective - to consider groups who have been marginalized in society.

Treated unfairly and stereotyped throughout society. These groups have been stuck out in different ways due to the way that people view them as a collective identity.
  • Old People
  • Teenagers
  • Minority ethnic groups
  • Disabled People
  • Sexuality (Gay, Lesbian)
  • Regional groups.

For Example -

Old People -
How - Many people don't take in to account the views and opinions of older people. They are given discount on different things in society such as bus passes and cheaper prices in cinema. There are also large homes that have been built for old people to live in as a small village which is pushing them away from society.
When- At a certain age people can be classes as OAP's which is when they are usually then classified as a old person which also shows that it is nothing to do with appearance or lifestyle but its about their age.
By who - Anyone that is younger than the OAP age is generally known for stereotyping older people. This is because they aren't linked with the group.
Visible in society - There are many stereotypes to do with older people usually to do with their appearance for example grey hair and posher looking clothes.

Disabled People -
How - They are marginalized through society to access to transport and help, many people may feel sympathy for them and some might even laugh and mock which is very unfair. Stereotypically people would think that the disabled people is actually 'thick' and 'stupid'.
When -Throughout their life's they can be marginalized within society, for example at a young age children can be sent to different schools due to their disability. Many people in society can not take any notice of others who are in wheelchairs or in need of help and they aren't able to then do the things that others can.
By Who - Parents and carers may chose the path that a disabled person might take however a lot of society would marginalize them as well.
Visible in society - In society disabled people can be classed in different ways depending on what their disability was. They are usually stereotyped as using wheelchairs and crutches.

Sexuality -
How - In society there are only a minority of people who are gay or lesbian that are open about it, this is because many feel they wont be accepted if people know. Depending on the way they behave and appearance depends on the way in which they are grouped within society.
When - throughout their lives, from school to work.
By Who - Straight people may have some negative feelings towards gay people because they have been taught throughout their lives not to accept people but in the 21st century people don't purposely mean to group them as they are all equal.
Visible in society - Many straight people might say that 'they just know' when someone is gay, however that isn't the case, unless the person is to the extreme about their sexuality (clothing, behaviour etc) there isn't any ways in which we can establish who is gay and who isn't in society.

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